My personal blog of random stuff

I'm Mo, I am a web developer by trade, but enjoy painting miniatures, writing and musing over questions about society and existence. This blog is a random collection of stuff from my brain and I hope you enjoy!

Conversations With Small Children: POWER

So last weekend we went for a family walk to the river Wye (down the road) for a picnic.

Conversations With Small Children - A New Game!

Today the child asked "Daddy, would you like to play a game?". "That depends" was my response "How do we play?".

Beware the Ice Duke!

Following on from the space wolves (and maintaining a "space viking" theme) I present "The Ice Duke".

Come and Feel the NOISE (marine)!

If ever there was a miniature that I felt would enjoy this song, it would be the noise marine! I am not usually that interested in the Warhamer 40k Chaos...

Conversations With Small Children - Part 1

I thought it would be a good idea to document some of the entertaining conversations we have with our little one as she grows.

Fear the Wolf Pack!

I don't really play Warhammer 40k (I am not a fan of the rules, and I do find these days the setting has gotten a little to far up its...

The Painting of Major Icharus Trask and Commander X

One of the main reasons for this blog is so I can post up miniatures that I paint for others to see.

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