Conversations With Small Children - A New Game!

Today the child asked "Daddy, would you like to play a game?".

"That depends" was my response "How do we play?".

"Well" said the child "You have to shake this box (full of toys). I will come and ask you what food you like, then go and get it. Then, you take a toy out of the box".


"OK" I said "that sounds fine...".


So, two toys later, I say to the child "So, how do you win this game?".

"Easy", comes the reply, "you just have to get three food".

"Hmm, that sounds good" I say, shake the box again and get my food (a biscuit) and my toy.

"Looks like I win then" I say to the child.

"Yes you do" she says, with excitement.


It's nice to know I can still win at something!

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