Conversations With Small Children - Part 1

I thought it would be a good idea to document some of the entertaining conversations we have with our little one as she grows. She comes up with some pretty crazy stuff and getting it down somewhere seems like a good idea. Giving her a bath last night (she is four), we ventured onto this discussion:

Child: This looks like ice cream...

Me: Does it, how can you tell?

Child: Ice cream doesn't have legs...

Me: Oh, OK, so anything that doesn't have legs must be ice cream?

Child: Yes!

Me: Ok, well that makes sense I guess. Is that the only way you can tell it it is ice cream?

Child: Well, ice cream can't go on boats...

Me: Um, OK. Is that because ice cream doesn't have legs?

Child: Yes.

Me: OK, so only things with legs can go on boats?

Child: Yes!


So now I will have to bear in mind, next time I go on a boat, that I cannot take anything without legs with me!

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