Fear the Wolf Pack!

I don't really play Warhammer 40k (I am not a fan of the rules, and I do find these days the setting has gotten a little to far up its own ass), on top of that, I have never really had a massive interest in Space Wolves. But, for some reason, after the new primaris range was launched the idea of converting some primaris Space Wolves was very appealing.

In the end I only used these guys for Kill Team (which I generally find more fun than full on 40k). So far they have served me well and hardly lost a game!

The Wolf Pack

The "Wolf Pack" are basically my standard infantry (or as close to standard as you can get with Space Marines). I actually used the standard primaris marines you get out of the First Strike starter box and swapped the heads and weapons with those from a Space Wolves box a friend of mine had. The wolf head backpacks are actually from Kromlech and (I think) work really well with these models.

The Young Bloods

The up close fighters of my Kill Team, the Young Bloods are converted reavers (again from First Strike). I swapped out the slightly contentious skull masks with two more traditional wolf helmets and give the squad leader a fantastic mo-hawk (all these bits again came from on of the standard Space Wolf plastic kits). I am not 100% sure where the axes came from, but I think they are leftover from a small Beastman force I put together a few years ago.

Primaris Lieutenant

Leader of the kill team, this guy was a lot of fun to create. I started with a pretty standard Lieutenant model and added quite a few extra Space Wolf details. The head seemed the best fit for a Space Wolf Primaris Lieutenant and I also swapped the basic weapon for a Space Wolf power sword. Again the backpack is from Kromlech.

A Final Word

I was really happy with how these guys came out, and I have considered adding more models. Maybe when Games Workshop decide to add some more interesting models to the Primaris range (bikes or land speeders spring to mind) then I will consider converting a few more. I should also really add some decals to the shoulder and knee pads at some point too...

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