The Painting of Major Icharus Trask and Commander X

One of the main reasons for this blog is so I can post up miniatures that I paint for others to see. Because of this, for the first post, I thought I would show up some pretty old miniatures that I have always really liked and painted up a few years ago.

The man in blue is called Major Icharus Trask, commander for the Viridians. I slightly converted this model by adding a jump pack (from Hasslefree miniatures), I have always felt that as he is very heavily close combat focused, it made sense he had an option to get up close and personal as quickly as possible.

The lady in black is called Commander X and is a commander for the VASA faction. She is suited up in signature black powered armour, jet pack and force lance.

They are both commanders from a very old wargame called VOID (originally produced by a company called iKore) that are now sold by a company called Scotia Grendel (

I have always loved the style of VOID, the aesthetics are very hard science, with some slightly silly elements that for me really works (why can't a faction that wields high tech weapons also ride giant genetically engineered dinosaurs).

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